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  1. 登記

    • 登記成為會員即可開始享受酬賓計劃

  2. 賺取點數

    • Purchase a product

      每花費 £1 即可取得 100 Luxx points

    • Sign up to the site

      取得 300 Luxx points

  3. 兌換獎勵

    • House of Couture £5 voucher

      5,000 Luxx points = £5 折扣 (金額超過 £5 的訂單)

    • House of Couture £10 voucher

      10,000 Luxx points = £10 折扣 (金額超過 £10 的訂單)

    • House of Couture £100 voucher

      100,000 Luxx points = £100 折扣 (金額超過 £100 的訂單)

    • House of Couture £50 voucher

      50,000 Luxx points = £50 折扣 (金額超過 £50 的訂單)

    • House of Couture free 1st class shipping

      3,000 Luxx points = 訂購金額達 £5 或以上時免除運費 (適用於所有項目)

    • House of Couture £25 voucher

      25,000 Luxx points = £25 折扣 (金額超過 £25 的訂單)

    • House of Couture 5% discount

      7,500 Luxx points = 5% 折扣 (購物車中價格最低的項目)

    • House of Couture 10% discount

      15,000 Luxx points = 10% 折扣 (購物車中價格最低的項目)

    • House of Couture 20% discount

      30,000 Luxx points = 20% 折扣 (購物車中價格最低的項目)

    • Lux points redemtion

      1,000 Luxx points = £1 折扣

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